Monday, September 29, 2008

Nothing like summer to show that spread.

Each step that I took today I felt as if I was growing larger and larger and feeling more and more grotesque as my thighs rubbed together in sweaty strides. I do not know if it was the first taste of summer weather or the skinny girls skipping around in mini skirts and beautiful flowing dresses that just sent me spiralling under the weather. I trudged unhappily to the dining hall and wolfed down my food in an angry and contradictory protest to first year spread and to the sad fact that I had become its victim without realisation. Yes, summer has arrived and so has the cellulite that was hiding in the folds of polo necks and warm tracksuit pants and it is plain depressing. And once you start feeling like that suddenly everything makes you look like an obese pig where your double chin feels as if it has quadrupled and is now rubbing in between your sweaty thighs. I immediately phoned mommy for moral support and to make it perfectly clear that I have to return home so that I can eat skinless chicken breast and vegetables, which is made in abundance at my house. My mother just laughed in exasperation because my siblings are complaining that they cannot and will not accept any more measly meals of steamed chicken and vegetables. We are never satisfied with what we have and I even had my boyfriend bang the phone down in me hear because he said I am not fat and know it. So I guess I will just have to join the girls for an ice-cream tonight.

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