Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Worrying is for the birds

A worry that every student encounters at this time of the year is not exams or whether they will make it into the next year but rather how they will afford to pay for it even if they do receive that much desired acceptance letter. Rhodes is a very pricey experience and with the rise in expenses world wide (and the new library?) the fees are going to rocket. Many students do not have this worry and are usually the ones you find puking up the money over a balcony at some pub. But for those us, who can not afford the “luxury” of drinking our education away, sit and bite our nails to the quick. I do not bite my nails because my grandfather told me that it is cleaner to lick a toilet seat but I am a professional worrier who is addicted to stressing about the unknown. I realised though, after my father emailed me to say that he would pay for next year that I had for a change not worried because I expected to be saved from the horror of taking out a student loan, which you now have to pay back six months after you have completed your studies. I immediately felt bad for expecting my father to swoop in and save me from this burden but simultaneously realised that I see worrying as something that constitutes gratitude and because I had not torn my hair out over this issue, I somehow did not feel I deserved a free ride. The extent to which worry dominates my life and the sick fact that I am addicted to it is what I should be worried about.
I know that I am not the only one who feels like this so here is a verse to hang on to if you feel anything like I do:
“Look at the birds in the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding then. Are you not worth much more than they?” Matthew 6:26

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